
Diploma in Pharma (Allopathic) Second year


Diploma in Pharmacy or D.Pharma. is a 2-year full-time Diploma course  D.Pharma. has been designed to prepare candidates to work [...]


Diploma in Pharmacy or D.Pharma. is a 2-year full-time Diploma course  D.Pharma. has been designed to prepare candidates to work under the licensed pharmacist in hospitals.In India Pharmacy Education is a two-tier system After 12th Science of State Board one can opt for any of the two courses, namely Diploma (D.Pharm.) and Degree (B.Pharm). However the Diploma Students can also be included in Degree course directly in Second Year B.Pharm. However, in the coming years the Government is planning to abolish the D. Pharm course and make B Pharm the minimum qualification for any individual to become a pharmacy professional.

Examination and Evaluation

For D.Pharma, The system is based on an internal assessment of 20 marks in theory and practical and an external assessment to 80 in theory and practical. A total of 100.

Internal Assessment

There shall be at least three periodic session examinations during each academic year. The highest aggregate of any two performances shall form the basic of calculating sessional marks.

The sessional marks in practical shall be allotted on the following
  • Actual performance in the sessional examination – 10
  • Day to day assessment in the practical class work – 10

External Assessment

Annual D Pharmacy Examinations are conducted in the month of July/August and to pass a candidate has to secure at least 40% marks in each of the subjects separately in theory and practical including sessional marks.


100% attendance and 100% attention & involvement in all sessions- academic and co curricular are essential. However 20% absence is allowed to meet exigencies beyond the control of oneself. Those whose attendance falls below 80% each in academic or co-curricular will not be allowed to take the exams.


Diploma in Pharma Course