Shareera Kriya is the specialty of ayurveda which deals with study of normal functioning of body and mind. Shareera is composed of many basic elements. ‘Kriya’ means which has motion or which can perform actions, and Shareera performs its kriya only when these basic elements maintain their equilibrium state.

This subject therefore is the base for proper understanding of Ayurveda. This subject is of great importance for a medical student to understand all other para clinical and clinical subjects. Proper knowledge of normality is very much important for assessment of abnormality and later for selection of right treatment.

The department started post-graduation course in the year 2010 which was the first in South India. The department has well established museum and laboratory with modern equipments for better understanding of the subject.


“Kriya Shareera for balanced health”


  • Prepare the graduates and specialists to teachevidence-based understanding of Ayurveda principles
  • Training the scholars inbasic elements of Ayurveda
  • Exploring the areas of research based upon ayurvedic principles of KriyaShareera

Teacher’s code AYAT00296
UG Qualification (University & year) Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery), Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, Srinagar, 2012
PG Qualification with subject (University& Year)
Ayurveda Vachaspati – M.D. (Agad tantra avum Vidhi vaidyaka), Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Dehradun, 2018
Post wise details of Experience in chronological order from the date of initial appointment
Duration (dd/mm/yyyy) From – To Designation Name of the College Department (Subject)
23/11/2018 to Till now Assistant Professor/Lecturer Smt. Manjira Devi Ayu. Medical College & Hospital Uttarkashi Agad tantra avum Vidhi vaidyaka


Presently working Department (Subject) Agad tantra avum Vidhi vaidyaka
Present Designation Assistant Professor/Lecturer
Nature of present appointment (regular/contract/deputation) Regular
Permanent Residential Address Hitanu, Dhanari Uttarkashi
Local Residential Address Hitanu, Dhanari Uttarkashi
State Board / Council Registration details UK2801,   Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad, Dehradun,Uttaranchal
Mobile Number 9411146245
Email ID